Saturday, September 29, 2007

Patriots fall 7-0

The Patriots traveled to Yazoo County with a playoff spot already on the line and unfortunately for them were unable to pull one out. Manchester (6-0; 3-0) was outplayed by the Patriots both offensively and defensively the entire game but the Patriots' 4 trips inside the Maverick red zone could not issue a score. The first three offensive possessions were 3 and outs for the Mavericks. Then came the turning point. Mid way through the 2nd quarter on 4th and goal from the 5, Coach Sims brought the kicking team out only to see the kick go to a fake. Dillion Morgan took the toss around the right side but was taken off his feet at the two and the ball was turned over on downs. Shortly after, the Public Address man announced that the head coach from Manchester had drawn ill and was taken via ambulance to the hospital. After a moment of silence we were ready to play again. Manchester took the ball to their own 22 when on the 1st down they drove the ball 78 yards down the grass for the touchdown. Fast forward to the fourth quarter. With a little over 5 minutes remaining, the Patriots began to drive the ball down field with Tyler Dalton connecting on various passes to Kyle Harriman and Austin Harrison. The biggest of them was a 3rd down pass from the Patriot's own 14 that got the ball into Manchester territory and a penalty flag gave the patriots 15 more yards and had them in business at the Manchester 14. Two plays later on a hand off to Harrison, the Patriots fumbled and the game seemed to be over. Not so fast. The Patriots stopped the Mavericks on 5 plays and got the football back with a min. 30 left. They took the ball at the Mav 45 and it became a moment of truth for T.D. and this offense. The Patriots ran into a buzz saw on their first 3 plays and it was 4th and 7. Tyler Dalton dropped back to pass and bulleted one across the middle. The ball tipped off the hands of a Manchester defender and into the hands of gracious Kyle Harriman. With a little under a minute left the patriots got on the ball and spiked it to stop the clock. From there the Pats were once again faced with a decision and on third down Kyle Harriman pulled in yet another big pass play this time just shy of the goal line at the 1. Patriots once again spiked it and with 11 seconds to go, had time to run one last play. Harrison got the call on the handoff and was stopped literally inches from the goal line. From there the game ended and the Patriots fell to 4-2 and 1-2 in district play. Manchester improved to 6-0 and are now shoe ins for a playoff spot that the Patriots thought would be all but theirs. Kyle Harriman garnered his second player of the game honors of the season in his valiant efforts in the tough loss.

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