Wednesday, August 8, 2007


The title says it all.. While sitting in the shade the whole practice I said to myself, "Self, I'm sure their really hot in pads". Then I thanked the good lord that I myself was not out there. So anyways practice went as well as could be expected this early in the football new year. Spoke with some of the guys and everyone seems to be very optimistic. Tyler Dalton is coming along real well at QB and Kyle "The Hitman" Harriman is looking solid running the ball from the slot position. Passing is key for this season to try to make up for the lost of Chaney Paschal and Michal Hindman two 1,000 yard rushers last season. Austin Harrison, Tyler Moffit, Harriman, and Jermey Hill look to be our receivers with Carlos Black by T.D in the backfield. I didn't get a chance to check out first team defense but we should be all right there. New transfer kicker Dillon Morgan looks to be pretty tough bootin the ball. So special teams should have an increase from last year's inconsistency. I hope to go back before week's end and check out the team again. Looking good Patriot fans. Looking real GOOD.....

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